We will be adding book reviews as they are submitted. Please note the following guidelines:

  • The book must be on a topic that would make it eligible to compete for one of the MOS&B Literary Awards (listed below).
  • The book must be available for purchase in print format. If a book is primarily available only as an e-book, then there must be some provision for purchasing a printed copy.
  • Book reviews do not imply endorsement by the MOS&B.
  • Book reviews are entirely separate from the MOS&B Literary Awards program. We only use the literary awards criteria as a means of specifying the subject matter of books being reviewed here.
  • MOS&B reserves the right to refuse any review that, in our judgment, does not meet our standards.
  • To submit a book review, please use the Contact Us link and request information about submitting a book review. You will be contacted with further information.

The Douglas Southall Freeman History Award – Southern history beginning with the colonial period to the present time.

The General Basil W. Duke Award – the re-issuance of out-of-print books that accurately present history of the War for Southern Independence.

The John Esten Cooke Fiction Award – fiction that portray characters and events dealing with the War Between the States, Confederate heritage, or Southern history in a historically accurate fashion.